James Madisons question is very relevant today, and yes I agree with your assumptions Tara. We seem too busy or too complacent to question those in power. It seems that, "whatever", is the standard today.

Like the frog in the pot who doesn't recognize that it is getting hot, we are similarly disinterested as our rights and freedoms are slowly taken from us by those in power. We will eventually wake up but I am afraid that it may be too late. Thank you Tara.

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Thank you Tara for another Great story!

James Madison was a very smart man!

And, Lyndon Baines Johnson was the originator of government distrust for me but, after studying history I demised that many of his predecessors had the same “we can get away with this” attitude!

And here we are now!

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I agree. When I read of LBJ standing in the White House and watching DC burn, I realized anew what weak leadership had done to us.

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What a great quote.

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No Truer Words are spoken!!! Thank you Tara 😊

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Holds true today..we need to REMEMBER our history.

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Sounds all too familiar don't you think ? It is abundantly clear to me that more of our populace needs to hear and more importantly come to understand BOTH the Why & How this republic came to be.

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Absolute power corrupts absolutely. We need reminded that we are “not “ruled” by a person or a certain group of people. When people in power are idolized it has a bad effect. That’s just human nature and no one is above falling into the trap. James Madison gave good advice. Be careful who you trust and how much you trust them. It’s wise counsel.

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Words applicable for today. Truth never changes. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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These statements are true today as in 1787. Trust but verify is my motto.

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Great question to ask!

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These are all good questions! Thanks for making us think!

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"Distrust to a certain degree".....Hmmmm, 100% distrust is a certain degree, isn't it??? Just sayin...

Thank you for today's lesson Tara!!🇺🇸👍🇺🇸

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Thank you, Tara.

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ANY job with any amount of power over other people is a natural draw to some SOB who will abuse that power! Freedom DEMANDS eternal vigilance! That’s why censorship is so dangerous here!!!

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Boy Tara, that is a loaded question that requires way more room than we have here. There are many spokes to this hub. To what extent have the citizens helped to accelerate distrust and how? To what extent have leaders contributed to and even endorsed the lack of law and order to cause distrust? To what extent has the decay of moral values and standards of behavior and conduct in society affected the country to distrust?. To be sure, half the country trusts and half distrusts. Those that distrust wonder if they have any recourse.

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