TDIH: Happy Birthday, James Madison!
"[A]ll men having power ought to be distrusted to a certain degree."
On this day in 1751, James Madison is born. He is often referred to as the "Father of the Constitution" because of his work in making the Constitutional Convention a reality. He was also a respected and influential delegate when the Convention was finally held during the summer of 1787.
Here is a classic quote from the Convention to celebrate his birthday! Such distrust of concentrated power drove many of the decisions behind our Constitution. When did we lose this distrust? What has since made so many so willing to defer to those in power? Or perhaps you disagree with the assumptions underlying my questions?
Dear regular readers: Full-fledged history stories return tomorrow morning.
James Madisons question is very relevant today, and yes I agree with your assumptions Tara. We seem too busy or too complacent to question those in power. It seems that, "whatever", is the standard today.
Like the frog in the pot who doesn't recognize that it is getting hot, we are similarly disinterested as our rights and freedoms are slowly taken from us by those in power. We will eventually wake up but I am afraid that it may be too late. Thank you Tara.
Thank you Tara for another Great story!
James Madison was a very smart man!
And, Lyndon Baines Johnson was the originator of government distrust for me but, after studying history I demised that many of his predecessors had the same “we can get away with this” attitude!
And here we are now!