Those who rule over a people from a distance rare ly take the time to understand the people they are making decisions for. Rather they mandate for their own benefit rather than ruling for the local benefit with little recourse by the people affected. That is why it is important to elect a President who has won the approval of individual States through the Electoral College. The Capitol of the US may be in the US, but their thoughts are on power and might as well be a million miles away.

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It's really little different today than it was back then. One-third favored the revolution while another third remained Loyalists with the remaining third Neutral. This composition, sans the influence of Factions (political parties), which Washington hoped would never develop, remains.

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Thank you Tara. It is easy to understand just how difficult it must have been for the Colonists to split from the British Crown and then, to prepare for war against the Motherland, which had the world's greatest armed forces.

People such as John Dickinson hadn't yet reached the point of irreconciliation. Others felt that the point of reconciliation had already past based on the actions of the King. Obviously, the decision was made after enough people joined the side of freedom and independence.

Your history lessons are spot on Tara, with just the right amount of detail and facts.

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Ben Franklin began as a supporter of King and Parliament, working as a representative of two colonies. As time passed he gradually became convinced that the Colonies would never be seen as equal citizens. And returned to his home after the death of his wife. As was true, loyalty to the King was not easy for many perhaps most to change. In the Colonies the coming Revolution was a "Civil war", brother against brother.

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Huzzah Heroes!!!

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The deaf ears was the result of egotistical thought’s of superiority by the King and by Parliament. As a result, the birth of the greatest Nation ever was born. The UK has consistently been losing its position as a World Power and leader ever since. Today it is a mere shadow of what it was in 1775.


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I believe the King's advisors played a large role in his decisions concerning the colonies.

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I think the king listened to advisors who told him what he wanted to hear. He had wanted to strengthen the power of the throne in a time when monarchy was beginning to be rejected by philosophers of the day.

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If I remember my HS history classes the King was getting a lot of bad press about the colonies not paying enough to build The Crown's Armed forces back up after the Seven Years War which had concluded a few years before. Now he was needing to support large army and navy forces across the Atlantic.

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Thank you, Tara.

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They tried and tried and tried again all to no avail! What more could the Founders of our Nation have done to remain at peace with the Tyrant of London?

Nothing but give up all to that Tyrant!

Thank you Tara!

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🇺🇸 First time hearing of this Declaration.

Quite a twisty-turny start for us. Thanks, TR! 🇺🇲

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Here, again, is more information about the actual events that led to the writing of the Declaration of Independence. And John Dickinson is a man that I have too little knowledge of. That he held sway in the events of those times is obvious now, but I still would know more about him, and those that he aligned with.

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That spirit lives on today as I believe most Americans understand in their heart of hearts that to give up second amendment rights, will invite government oppression.

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Two days and two new lessons I was not aware of. What I am is grateful. Thanks Tara.

I do wonder who wrote my American history book. It was missing a lot of details.

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Thank You, Tara

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Tara, would you know if any study was ever done showing how many Torys, or Crown supporters, fled back to England after the American Revolution?

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