By the grace of God we became a nation. It should be obvious to us the lack of grace so prevalent today.

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The lack of grace is due to the lack of our worship. God never changes, his grace is always available to those who ask earnestly.

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I agree. And those who do are still under His grace. However, we are all subject to His gospel, doctrine, and, timeline.

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Yes, His gospel is a manifestation of his mercy, all we have to do is receive it. His doctrine is directions to experiencing His grace.

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Amen brother!

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Trump thinks he IS

God and has his own Bible that he follows religiously , written by A. H. himself…

Mein Kampf ! 🧐🤬

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Let’s pray for our nation. Pray that we remember what made us a great country and learn fro my the lessons of history.

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The founding father of our nation deserves every accolade. Yorktown was proof of his strength of leadership. We were lead by a man connected to the Father of all. Oh, that we had men of his quality today.

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Hallmark of a great leader. Had only zeal and love for his country. If it wasn’t for Washington there wouldn’t be any United States

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For those interested about Washington’s trials and tribulations, the book “George Washington’s War”

By Bruce Chadwick is an excellent reading.

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What I revere most about George Washington, was His refusal to be King!

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And Cornwallis actually sent another guy to surrender, so Washington had another guy accept it. Cornwallis was not a gentleman at surrender time.

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We definitely need a God fearing leader once again to lead our Country out of the mess our current crop of politicians have made of our government. Being the blank check for the world or allowing non-productive people in our country is only going to destroy us as a Nation. I pray that the right leader will be elected in 2024 to stop the mess we have created in the past few years. Secure the borders and balance the budgets are needed. It will be painful but it is the sacrifice we need to make to fix what has been created.


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So many of the historical truths, that you are sharing are so relevant to Americans, today.

It's not always the fault of the "history teachers" in our halls of learning. Our new agenda for public education, does not include "tracing the Grace and Mercies of God in American History."

Such a sadness in my heart for the generations to follow us.

[But, God is not finished with America's story.]

Could it be that the best of God's Graces is yet to come?

I pray that the best story of America, is yet to show us God's mighty hand.

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We could sure use Washington today, our government is filled with traitors and thieves!

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Wonderful. And now, our founding fathers would be ashamed of what we have allowed our government is become. Corruption, egos, taxation, power, wealth. General Washington would have tied them to a post. Thank you Tara for sharing this story ❤️.

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🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸Long may she wave!!!

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Leadership today in our government, Republican or Democrat is so self serving, so clueless and so shameful.

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America stood and still stands. Stronger than ever.

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Am so thankful for our Victory thanks to the most honorable George Washington. I pray that the people of our nation with common sense will strive to hold on to that freedom.

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An amazing man who believes will come out on top. It is a gracious moment that I am grateful for. Thank you Lord for the greatest country on Earth.

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Thank you, Tara.

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