To paraphrase: Courage is not the lack of fear, but acting in spite of it. I love his description of what the metal represents…sacrifice and freedom that money can’t buy. I appreciate every one if these MOH accounts, Tara.

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There is a sacrifice required to live in freedom. Men like Williams have willingly paid that price and so very many never returned home. Thank you for bringing us his story, Tara Ross. We need to remember Woody Williams and those of his mettle who have gave so much to our country.

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What a wonder story Tara. I loved his comment, there's no amount of money to pay for Freedom. Such a message needs to resonate with todays youth. Thank you!

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Wow! A Triple Header MOH week. Thank you, Tara.

Mr. Hershel, (Woody) Williams was probably, one of the greatest heroes of WW2. His awful but necessary Heroism, by taking out the enemy with Napalm flames, was a terrible thing to have to do.

I believe that Mr. Williams captured the real essence of the MOH, when he said that the Medal represents sacrifice and service to keep our most important attribute as citizens of the United States of America, our Freedom.

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Thank You, Tara

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The embodiment of a fighting man and patriot. RIP and Semper Fi Marine. 🇺🇸🫡

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Corporal Williams earned his medal during one of the most important battles of WWII!

What a flamethrower he was! Over and over again taking out the enemy so our troops could advance to final victory in the bloody battle of Iwo Jima!

Thank you Tara!!

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Thanks Tara and many who have commented. He and many have done the impossible to save those they serve with. RIP.

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RIP Thank you, Tara.

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Every American should read these wonderful Medal of Honor stories. They tell us SO much about the value of freedom and the heroes who have fought and died to preserve it!

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Sacrifice for freedom.. We the people need to remember that. Too many have sacrificed themselves for us to allow it to be taken away.

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Thank you Tara. What a Humble and Brave SOLDIER! The best part is he lived for so many didn't!

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Semper Fi Marine.

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Loved yet another MOH story this week. Keep 'em coming.

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Yet another story of heroism and humility. Thanks, Tara!

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