An unlikely hero! It seems like all of the Medal of Honor recipients are unlikely heroes. They are Americans living a simple life. First Lieutenant Fox planned to be a farmer. Instead he became a Marine and gave it his all. I’m glad our country finally honored him.

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Wesley Fox was a leader of men, and almost a farmer. However, his brave actions a Marine in Vietnam caused his leadership to be tested. His bravery kept his troops in the action until the clouds cleared, allowing air support and retreat. His brave actions were recognized with the MOH, justly deserved.

As then Lt. Fox said, he proudly wore the Medal for the troops whose actions deserved the Medal but weren't observed. Thank you Tara for another MOH Monday.

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Lt. Fox simply took in the job as ordered to enter the Valley of Death. As all Marine leaders do he thought of his men over himself and took the necessary action against the odds to save as many as he could in spite of himself being injured. Yes this is uncommon Valor and was finally recognized for it. Semper Fi Lt. Fox.


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Exactly Right ✅️

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Col Fox was a great Marine. He'd been an enlisted man during Korea and was later given a battlefield commission. I was fortunate enough to meet him several times over the years our service overlapped.

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That was an honor I would like to have shared.

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Thank you Lt Fox. Your actions in Vietnam are proof that American troops were courageous, fought valiantly and are worthy of their place in history among America’s heroes.

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"Because nobody was there to tell the story." Fox knew as other warriors know that all of them were doing what they could. Once again, he was "just doing my job." Amazing stories of true greatness. Thanks, Tara.

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I'm glad enought people were left to confirm his actions, so he could receive the Medal of Honor.

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A Hero Indeed Semper-fi Marine job well done 👏 ✔️ 👍. Thank you Tara 😊

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A true hero!

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Thank you, Tara

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Many deserving men had no one to tell the story. I am so glad Tara is telling the stories for those who earned the MOH one story at a time.

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