I was worried for a moment Tara. But as always, you came through.

Yes, our founders would clearly see some holes in what they designed. Because they understood the nature of men and women, they would know that those holes have been found and exploited by the frailties of human nature. They would lament what has become of all of their hard won work and they would be so very disappointed.

I unfortunately believe that it is nearly impossible to correct those failures in our systems because the powerful and the bare majority are not about to give up their power. They have ruined our educational system and our government has created generations of takers, not givers.

I am so sorry to write this, as it is so negative, but after spending time with my youngest Grandson yesterday, I found that my best hope for the youngest adult generation, is nearly lost to the cause. I say nearly because there is a glimmer of hope, but he is immersed in the system. God, help him and all of the free world.

Thank you Tara.

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I hope there are enough parents teaching their kids, so all is not lost. But I worry there are not.

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Couldn't have said it better myself 🎯 👍 👊 🇺🇸

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Another good time to point out how the direct election of Senators eroded the power of the states which was an important safeguard designed by the founders.

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Yes, the 17th Amendment caused a lot of destruction. Ugh.

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I believe they modeled Congress after the British government. The upper chamber was lords, the more educated and wealthy. The lower chamber was the commoners. Less educated and more rambunctious. The upper house was meant to keep a control over the actions of the lower house.

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The original model was certainly probably the British model, but the idea of granting the "upper house" role to the states was a plan by the founders to help the states retain power. I'm not sure they intended for the states to "control" the representatives of the people (I don't think they did), but it was absolutely necessary to grant the states representation in Congress. The constitution would never have been ratified without such representation. By eliminating that power through constitutional amendment, the states limited their own representation which was (I believe) a fatal mistake.

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I mark the 16th and 17th amendments as being the end of our Republic. An American Republic can only start to be restored with the repeal of these amendments.

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Fortunately our forefathers were wise enough to avoid making our Nation a pure democracy and instead created a Republic. These wise men where also godly men and chose to lift this new Country being formed under the wisdom from a higher power than themselves, thus seeking wisdom from God Almighty. This is why our Nation was formed as One Nation Under God.


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Lacking the efforts to instill the heritage and history of a people creates a vacuum for the promotion and indoctrination of adversarial philosophies to get sucked in to the population. We have failed to guard the gates in our culture. Pray that we guard against the slow creep on the Constitution.

Seems that Congress has given us a glimpse of a direct democracy. Agents of anti American change have crept in as a result of the vacuum created in America voted for and seated directly by popular vote of the people.

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"Few men have virtue to withstand the highest bidder " how apropo for today's society! Thank you Tara 😊

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I think they would be shocked and disappointed. I believe they would think we are turning back time to when we were subjects to a king. What they fought and died for was slipping away.

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It's so sad.

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An amazing commentary on our culture and the wisdom behind the writers of our Constitution! Thank you for this deep insight, Tara. Your wisdom is greatly appreciated and beyond your age.

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Sad that "we" allowed the Constitution to be dilluted so much. For instance, the Senate is no longer one state, one vote. We have become more a democracy, which will, by nature, fail eventually.

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I fear we are failing at this very moment in history. What is truly sad is that half the American population have no idea not do they care.

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🇺🇸 For some reason, Franklin's words turn over in my mind often, these days..."a republic, if you can keep it." 🇺🇸

Wondering if we will...

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So great to hear what the shapers of our Nation thought and struggled with. On one hand they had a closer relationship to those of their concerns than we do today.

The actual community was smaller than today with less distractions.

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Outstanding post, Tara! We have strayed so far from the wisdom and insight of the founders of this unique nation. The values they wrote into the constitution and the manner in which they set up the government protected the liberties, freedoms and voices of all the people. They indeed understood human nature and that safeguards were absolutely essential in order to keep the republic. We need to work hard to restore those principles. The first two areas that need changed are strengthening the family structure and getting back to basics in the education system which includes teaching unadulterated history and civics. Both of those things affect our children. They are the hope for the country. Thank you for making my day again, Tara!

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The virtue to withstand the Highest Bidder! So few words, explaining SO very much of Today. As Franklin said, "IF we can Keep It"!

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