Thank you Tara for a second MOH story this week.

Robert Bush, a Navy Corpsman, received the MOH for his extreme bravery and determination as he saved lives while defending his platoon leader. The grave wounds he received didn't stop him either.

I am proud of his statement that he accepted the MOH award for those whose own actions deserved the Medal but weren't adequately documented. From a former Navy Corpsman.

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“A custodian for those who died.” So typical of our heroes. It’s always about others. Wonderful you posted a second MOH recipient’s story this week! You know how much we appreciate them, Tara!

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I've never heard of a combat survivor who didn't have survivor guilt. His custodial attitude towards the Medal isn't surprising, but astonishing nonetheless.

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Robert Bush said, “We had thousands who lost their lives who were certainly identifiable as being able to receive the Medal of Honor. But perhaps it wasn’t properly documented. So, I look at it as though I’m a custodian for those who died.” Very humble man I learned of today. God bless them all.

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Bod Bush was another example of our MOH awardees, and the greatest generation.

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Thank you Tara 😊 So never underestimate the willingness of an eighteen year old Navy Corpsman! How deserving 👏 👍🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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Thank you for this story which swelled my heart reading the details. Obviously a true hero

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Thank you Robert E Bush.

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All of these stories are special. This one is especially moving because of the age of the hero.

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Another humble MOH receiver - not wanting to take credit for his bravery or to sound his own horn. The Greatest generation was just that - humble, hardworking, willing to sacrifice for others and remembering why they had joined the service of their country. They truly made us all proud to be Americans.

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Outstanding young man..hardworking, God fearing, hero. Humble , brave. Stepping up to give his best for his country, and those he loved. 🇺🇸

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Thank you,Tara, they were indeed the Greatest Generation! I am proud to be the daughter and niece of 2 of them!

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Good story.

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Thank you, Tara.

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