Returned Army Reserve Col. Cyrillic Richard Rescorla was just one of many heroes that day. And I am so glad that you brought his story back to us, to honor as we can.

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So many heroes showed up on that horrific day. Rescorla is one of them. It’s good to read their stories again. We humans need frequent reminders of these terrible events and the brave souls who stepped up to help save as many lives as they could. Attitude is everything. Love the quote: “In times of crisis, men don’t rise to the occasion, they default to their training.” Rescorla showed the attitude of a hero when he told his beloved wife: “Stop crying. I have to get these people out safely.” I’m sure those words will forever ring in her ears. I will never forget that day and all the emotions that went on for months afterward. We must never forget.

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God bless him for his preparation for that day, as well as his service to my country!

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I remember exactly where I was too, teaching college history in south Texas. The following day, unbeknownst to each other, all five members retired military officer members of the faculty called their respective services and volunteered for immediate recall to active duty in ANY capacity in which they could free up a younger member for combat service. I never met COL Rescorla, but I knew of him and his reputation. Wherever you are, Sir; GIVE THEM COLD STEEL!! John Glover, MAJ, USA, RET

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Exactly what I was going to say!

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Thank you Col. Rescorla for your dedication to duty and for giving your life in order to save so many. God bless you sir and all who gave their lives on that terrible day. Thank you Tara for another MOH Monday.

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Another fine story and remember!

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🇺🇲 Lest we forget 🇺🇲

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What an amazingly determined man he was, to persist with all those drills for 8 years before 9/11. So admirable.

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My mother called me on the morning of 9/11 so frightened. She grew up in the 1930’s in occupied Nazi Austria. She thought that she was experiencing an invasion all over again. No matter where you were in the country, you were seeking the assurance of your safety because we thought we were living in a country where this could never happen. On the block where I lived the residence gathered in the street to pray for the country. We were all angry and in shock. Thank God for the heroes of that day. Mr Rescorla and the many fire fighters who continued to climb those stairs to save their fellow man were a God send.

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I will never forget the moment where I was the moment this attack was reported. Though I was in California driving and the radio announced it, I immediately called my wife and woke her up and told her to turn the TV in to see the news. I thought WWIII was started.

There were many heroes that day that ran into harms way to help save lives of people they never knew. My heart still breaks for those lives lost and their families.

Unfortunately our Federal Immigration department is to blame for their failure to enforce the tracking of those that are here on expired visas. Also we never held the Saudi Arabia government for their participation in this heinous act. If I had been President at the time I would have made the Saudi government deliver Osama Bin Laden to our government in 72 hours or Saudi Arabia would be turned into a waste land for 100 years to come.

God Bless the USA!


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Rescorla was critical to the people getting out. Many companies will not listen. Being prepared is the only way to save lives. Praying for all who perished, were left behind and have not forgotten. I pray harder for those who have forgotten as they are doomed to repeat.

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What a special Hero he was it's as though he had a second sense of what was to come. Thank you Tara for recalling this Horrific act of Terrorism!

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His wife can sure be proud of him and his devotion to making sure all were out safely - that was something how he had the foresight to realize what could happen and just how folks could be saved. I know the people he worked with are glad they listened to him and participated in all those training sessions. Well done, sir!

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Thank you, Tara.

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