I pray for such patriotism to sweep our nation today so that the bureaucracy will be rolled back and a freedom respecting government arises from our Constitution. Let the Spirit of Independence fun freely! What state will be Rhode Island today?

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We must all hang together, or we will all hang separately! It's Providence!

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And today, I say, God save these United States of America from the progressive woke ism and give us back the United States of our beginning.

Thank you Tara for your tireless reminders of what it took to provide this union.

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Thanks Tara 😊 whatever they had back then we need a lot of Today!!!

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"Such bravery in the face of tyranny." An abundance of such bravery is needed today.

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Way to go, Rhode Island!

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RI is so cool. Did not know this. I guess my question to the school systems is why? Why not push the good stuff of history and drop the new made up narrative.

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So “Rouge Island” was the leader to freedom for the Colonies and new United States of America!

Thank you, Tara, for another insightful story concerning our nation’s founding!

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Thank you, Tara.

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Sure hope that the love of this country, patriotism & freedom would come back to the forefront for the U.S. before it is too late.

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Time to learn from our fore fathers.

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Standing in the face of tyranny is oppression masquerading as freedom. The fight continues to this day, "in order to form a more perfect Union."

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The steps to independence were not easy and yet there were men and women willing to take a stand and follow through. It’s interesting and important to note that Governor Ward shared his vision with his son. Love of freedom is indeed passed down from generation to generation. This is another part of our history I did not know.

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Damn those who would turn away from or destroy the foundation laid with the blood , sweat , tears and ultimate sacrifices that went into the mortar that hold our building blocks together .

The rule of law and Everyone being treated Equal under the Law. Separation of church and state . Checks and balances on the three branches of our government. The expectation that those Taking an oath to protect and defend the constitution WILL honor their own pledge isn’t too much to ask . To forfeit ALL to maintain political power or advantage is a real horror and crime .

May God Continue to Bless America and those who stay true to the high standards and lofty ideals that were gifted to us by True Patriots and Founders ! 🇺🇸🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻🇺🇸

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