"Freedom is not free." The words of Col. Reginald Myers as he described the heroic efforts of his ragtag troops at the battle of Chosin Reservoir. His leadership kept the pressure on the enemy as his small force of Marines fought for many hours in brutal cold and against overwhelming odds.

Typical of the MOH awardees, he didn't think that his actions were worthy of the Medal but that his men deserved all of the honor. God bless the men and women who serve and protect us. Thank you Tara for another MOH Monday.

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🇺🇲 “The people who were with me deserved all the Medals that I could give them. Freedom is not free.” 🇺🇸

Well done, Col. Myers!

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Unbelievable courage in spite of the odds against him and his ragtag team. Goes to show that everyone has the ability to do what they can when duty calls. It does take a great leader though and Reginald Myers was a great one. With each MOH account we understand to a greater extent how costly freedom is and our responsibility to value it and seek to preserve it.

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You are most correct Col. Myers, Freedom cost us plenty. A fact current generations may never understand.

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I really can't say it any better than some of the other comments today - Reginald Myers was not only humble but a great leader and did what he needed to do to get the job done. Then he gave the credit to his men and certainly didn't seek any honors for himself. Thank you, Tara, for sharing his story and all the other MOH stories too - they make me so proud to be an American.

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What a Marine! I can hardly imagine what he and his men faced and yet they performed in compliance with their training as riflemen no matter their regular job! It is amazing what people raised in freedom can accomplish when they need to do it! Their ability as a free thinker makes up for much that nothing else can. Thank you, Tara Ross, for bringing this man's memory as well as that of his men. They so deserve our respect and appreciation.

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My hopes (for this generation of combat Marines), are that the attitude of Colonel Myers’s is being strengthened in the minds and hearts of “The Marine Corps” youth of todays Protectors of Freedom! We need them [up front] taking on evil forces!

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He understood that stewardship of the Medal in memory of all his fallen Marines was the best he could do.

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That had to be a lonely assignment even for a great leader. Thank you Col. Meyers!

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Thank you Tara for another great MOH Monday....just common everyday folks went up that hill RIP Soldiers 🙏🏼 🪦 one and all!

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“Freedom is not free!”

Quoted from a hero and as true today as it was in during the Korean War and all the wars fought throughout our nation’s history. Col. Myers lead his men to victory over a much larger force and won an important battle for freedom over oppression!

Thank you Col. Myers!

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Thank you, Tara.

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Colonel Myers 👏🏻🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸 🫡

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