Our founding fathers would be sad, angry and ashamed of the Nation today. In fact, they could scarcely recognize the Nation that they created and had envisioned. We have strayed far from a nation that respects and tolerates religious freedom and a nation ruled by the free election of the citizen legislators, and a government of limited power.

Tara, thank you for your continued daily posts.

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How far we have strayed from this ordinance. No wonder society…especially the last few generations are immoral and lawless. The founders would be sad and shocked. Excellent analogy as usual, Wally Firkins.

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They would be terrified of the power of the federal government; ashamed of our public education system; and embarrassed by our “anything goes” morality.

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They would be in favor of a rebellion against the government!

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This was so important in that the Americans wanted to get away from the system of colonialism that had plagued and vexed them so hard. It was a wise move to build the strength of the new nation. Thanks for the reminder, professor!

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God, family, hard work..the “glue”..We are falling apart.

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They would be furious because a majority of society is letting the few destroy the ideals that they fought so hard for to establish this Republic.

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"Congress also emphasized the need for education based on "Religion, morality, and knowledge." My, how things have changed...

If there were a sarcasm font, I might write...but we are so much smarter and more progressive than those mouth breathers. However, since there's no sarcasm font, I won't.

Thanks, TR!

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Our Nation’s Founders would be deeply disappointed with the situation our nation is in today!

Thank you, Tara, for this important story!

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This is featured on a plaque at the Class Gateway of Ohio University, estd. 1804, the first in the Northwest Territory and my alma mater. I’m not naive enough to believe that today’s campus embodies these sentiments.

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Now, there was a law that I never heard of! But then again it was only the year after we had gained independence, so those men those still had those men were doing there best to insure liberty would be retained through education.

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Thank you, Tara.

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This is an awesome history lesson. Thank you Tara.

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Seems pretty obvious that we are not upholding what our founding fathers wanted. I still love my country but it has become a dangerous and very scary place. So sad because I don't see it getting better.

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A necessity in the Birth of a long lasting Republic.

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