Washington deserves all the credit he gets. Some were so in awe of him, their tribute lost sight of the goal of an independent republic. History ought to forgive him, if only because Washington did.

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May 22·edited May 22

Only Washington could have lead our country into becoming the land of liberty. It wasn’t by chance that he was exactly in the right place at the right time. There were others who were great leaders too and had a part in forming this unique country, but Washington was the best of the best. He had no desire to be king or to form a nation ruled by kings. Thank goodness for men like Washington who were not interested in obtaining power!

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Exactly Right ✅️ 👏 👌 💯 👍

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Even really good men, and sometimes have really bad ideas. I am thankful that Washington was not seduced by this concept. A lesser man would be.

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Thank you, Tara. I prefer to assume that Lewis Nickola may have made his suggestion of forming a new country for those who fought for Independence and Freedom without thinking deeply about its ramifications. Perhaps he was attempting to visualize a just reward for all of those who fought and shed blood for their new nation.

After all of his good deeds, perhaps he should be forgiven and accept his sincere apology.

Anyway, if George Washington forgave Mr. Nikola, so do I.

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George Washington was a great American and what he did for this country of ours is unmeasurable. I get very angry when current fool’s media attempt to discredit his achievements and calling him names. He truly is a figure that should be looked at with admiration and respect.

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Can you imagine that happening in this era? I shudder.

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Washington must have had a clear view of what this new country should become.

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He certainly knew what he did not want it to be which was a great beginning to that vision!

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You are correct, Tara . . . I am not familiar with him at all. Great story about two brave men that did great things crucial to our nation’s independence. I love the sidebar about the library.

Also on this day in history (although the date is not 100% certain) in 1968 the USS Scorpion nuclear attack submarine goes down with 99 on board. The wreckage is later discovered. The cause of the accident is not fully known and some information in the inquiry is still sealed, leading to some conspiracy theories. At any rate, these sailors are missed by families and friends. Sailors, rest your oars.

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Thanks for remembering, Joe. Fair winds and following seas to those fellow sailors who lost their lives in service of their country.

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Thanks again for great history lesson 😊👍

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More than anything else, this sets Washington apart from so many. Napoleon did not do it after Washington. Cromwell did not before Washington. Few have left the plow to command an army and then when its purpose was accomplished, retired from public life. King George did not expect it and rightly stated that it would show Washington as being a great man of history. Over 200 years later I remain impressed by this man. Worship him? No! Respect him? Almost as high as any if not at the top of historical humans. Hopefully his impact will live to be as great as that of the Reformers during an Age of Enlightenment in the Renaissance.

Thank you, Tara Ross, for so succinctly sharing this historical moment - one so richly deserving - in as well a written manner as I have seen! You are growing as a wordsmith.

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No doubt a well intentioned show of admiration and affection for Washington. And yet Washingtons rebuke was a well intentioned show of his admiration and affection for the whole of the country and it’s future.

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In my 75 years, I never heard anything about this event in our history. Thanks for sharing this information. I wish we had more people with the integrity of Washington in the city named for him. He was so sold out on this new nation and its success.

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How fortunate we were to be blessed with George Washington - it truly appears to have been divine intervention at most critical moment in world history. He set an example for all who succeeded him, with most falling far short of his strength of character, courage and integrity. How we could benefit today from such leadership! Thank you for sharing this remarkable story of Washington’s immediate rejection to acquire additional powers that often are so tempting to politicians.

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I believe General Washington kept in the forefront of his mind why the pilgrims fled England in the first place. Thank you Tara 😊

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🇺🇲 What a much different place this would be without Washington abs the rest of our Founding Father's. 🇺🇸

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Without the Founding Fathers and the next teer that assisted and Washing ton himself, the nation would not be what it became in late 1780's or the country we have been for 240+ years. I cannot even imagine how or what would be the USA fif not for George Washington. The greatest of all the Founding Fathers. Thank you Tara for an amazing mid-week lesson.

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