I never cease to be amazed at the people who were willing to lose everything to win our freedom from England!

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Jonathan Trumbull is a new name to me. He certainly lead an interesting life. Seems he put some good qualities into his sons mostly by his example. It’s obvious he was a true patriot.

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I don’t recall hearing of this selfless hero before nor of Connecticut’s giving to freedom’s cause during our Revolutionary War!

Thank you Tara.

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Johnathan Trumbull was a hero for his beliefs and his actions. I can imagine that he was a target of the British Crown for siding with the Patriot cause of freedom and independence.

I didn't know of Governor Trumbulls strong belief in the call for independence nor his leadership in Connecticut, supporting the war effort while sacrificing the resources of his Colony and of himself.

We owe a large debt of gratitude to Governor Trumbull. Thank you, Tara.

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Jonathan Trumball is a man that I vaguely remember hearing his name. Thank you, Tara Ross for bringing the highlights of his service to the American cause.

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Here’s another fun Connecticut fact:


At one time, Connecticut was a great place to live...

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🇺🇲 Thanks for a story to go with a name that my brain vaguely remembered.

Amazing what patriots were willing to sacrifice for our freedom. 🇺🇸

We need to do better...

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Thank you, Tara.

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I LOVE these snippets of our history. thanks Tara... ;)

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Would we do the same today as Patriots did then? I am not sure...

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Great story.


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I love reading about these patriots that never are usually written about. Thank you.

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I wonder what he would think of the modern day Connecticut

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