It’s sad, but we have become exactly what Adams warned could happen. We can only hope there are more people with moral consciences intact than deceptive, immoral and insolent ones. Pride goes before a fall so perhaps that’s where the arrogant people are headed. Trouble is they might take the whole country with them. Good post, Tara. We need every reminder of what was intended and where we are today.

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I have long thought that he would be disappointed in us today. We seem to have forgotten the basic tenets we fought for.

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President John Adams was undoubtedly warning the militis of the necessity to keep the values that made this nation.

Today, he would undoubtedly say the same thing except that he would add, "see, I told you so".

Thank you Tara.

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You are right that he probably would say that. He would then set about to correct where we have gone wrong.

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John Adams would be fighting back with all the energy in his mind and body!

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Not everyone has nor will be moral or religious, which is why Jefferson's emphasis on a Free press and well educated people will be needed to keep this Republic ticking.

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My favorite person in history. He was so very smart. How he would hate what this country has become.

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Religion itself is a check on morality and right thinking. The Constitution is the framework that speaks to the spirit of moral and religious men for the benefit of society. Without religion there would be no Constitution as we know it today. Immoral leaders will ignore the Constitution and eventually their constituents will follow leading to a lack of Godly order.

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Spot on.

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I write today with a heavy heart. It seems our Country is being destroyed from within. This was foretold by Nikita Khrushchev when he said "we will bury America from within". It seems that he was partially correct. Our puppet POTUS is being controlled by his handlers that are members of the CCP. Biden has opened our borders that has allowed over 4 million illegal aliens to enter our country unvetted. of which in excess of 700,000 are known to be on the terrorist watchlist.

Unfortunately the USA has become a country our founding fathers and patriots fought so hard to escape.

all I can say is pray to God that true patriots will be elected in 2024 to rescue our Nation.

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“this Country will be the most miserable Habitation in the World.”

Prophetic. We have met the enemy, and it is us! Gumby

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Adams would be unhappy with America today....

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🇺🇸And Adams can add prophet to his resume, sadly.

Thanks TR.🇺🇲

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Suffice to say John Adam's and most of the founding fathers would be horrified!

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Our Constitution was framed from the elements of what GOD made us to be, free and strengthened by the knowledge that we were a nation of 'One from Many' and 'all for one'.

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Thank you, Tara.

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This statement by Adams has sure come true. Do we really deserve our Republic, anymore? God help us, please.

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Shaking my head is what he would be doing all day long. I see it happening and I cannot believe it happen at the same time. Scary days these last 20 years and more to come unfortunately.

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John Adams -- an American Nostradamus. When President Thomas Jefferson consulted Adams on what he planned to do about the Barbary Pirates, Adams told him that if we choose to fight them, we must fight them forever.

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