πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ It never ceases to amaze, how our Founding Father's saw the problems and provided the solutions.

It also still amazes that we have, ever so cleverly avoided those solutions, so that we could run headlong into those very problems. πŸ˜•

Thanks, TR! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²

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Well, Thomas Jefferson could now say, I told you so. The people in power didn't listen to him and we now have an all powerful federal government and state governments who have little power. Thank you Tara.

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The Founding Fathers had it right then & now. We must reread & restore our great Constitution. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

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We have strayed afar from what the founders intended. The national government has become increasingly overbearing. Somehow we need to get back to the basics of a republic if we can or it will be lost forever.

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A good place to start would be the repelling of the seventeenth amendment and restoring some of the state powers back to the states, where they belong.

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Exactly Right βœ…οΈ πŸ‘ πŸ‘Œ πŸ’― πŸ‘

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Wish we could put this in the mail to every state and federal elected official. Jefferson was right and our nation is suffering from the consequences of federalism.

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I think the truth that applies to our overbearing national government is β€œabsolute power corrupts absolutely.” Another truth that speaks to our current dilemma is β€œthe love of money is the root of all evil.” Nothing new. We used to be exceptional, but we have lost that distinction.

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We are still exceptional, IMHO, but we need to remember who we are . . . and fast!

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Agreed- but we’ve done a 180 degree turn- sprinting to the goal of self- destruction. It’s no longer outliers who are seeking to throw it all away. Praying for an awakening.

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Tara the nation seems to have forgotten our beginnings. Great post and read

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Yes! Less power to Washington more power to states and especially local governments.

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A great example here in Texas is our effort to protect the border. The US government says we have no right, but makes no effort themselves.

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In a nutshell 🎯🎯

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Thomas Jefferson would be shocked and appalled with today's federal government, and how they have subverted the U.S. Constitution. The very notion of a one-size fits all federal government has Thomas Jefferson, and our founding father's turning in their proverbial graves.

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I have been saying that for quite some time

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What President Jefferson warned us about has been slowly creeping up on us for a couple of decades. It has finally reached a breaking point with the controversy between Texas Governor Abbot and the Biden administration over the "invasion" of illegals from over 160 countries at a fever pitch.

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This is an excellent summary of Jefferson’s warnings to our newly formed Republic. It carries with it so much meaning today and awakens us to the collective lethargy where we failed to protect Federalism, which is our fundamental Republic’s foundation of freedom from accrued centralized government oppression.

What can we do? How can we achieve any rollback of centralized power? Are we simply passive observers of this increasingly disturbing runaway government?

Please consider this:

I strongly support taking action that the Constitution grants us all to legally claw back excessive power concentrated in Washington DC.

Learn more about this solution by visiting www.conventionofstates.com .. it is a grass roots movement to call for an Article V Convention to propose constitutional amendments, limited to these three concerns:

1) Impose fiscal restraints on the federal government

2) Limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government

3) Limit the terms of office for federal officials, bureaucrats, and members of Congress

For this effort to succeed, it requires that at least 38 States ratify -via their State legislatures - any proposed amendments .. a very high hurdle, indeed, but well worth the effort.

Please research this and do not confuse this proposal as one calling for a Constitutional convention. This is a call for a Convention of States. There are many vested interests opposing this idea. Be your own judge and jury.


In 17878, the Founders agreed to include the wording of Article V with a resounding unanimous vote. That was unusual!

But they had the foresight, as Jefferson eloquently explains, to give the States an alternative legal amendment procedure, bypassing Congress, as a peaceful pathway to return to true Federalism when called for.

Thank you for your consideration. Wishing freedom to all in this great Republic!

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Spot on, Tara Ross! This needs to be engrained in our education systems and engraved in the offices of every legislator.

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Jefferson was β€œspot on”!

This nation’s Founders knew what a central government did to the populace (subjects) of other nations and CONSTRUCTED a Constitution that made β€œThe People” the ultimate power over government. That government worked until our central government took on the β€œLiving Constitution” that we have today!

For the sakes of our children, grandchildren and future generations we must get back to the β€œLIMITED CONSTITUTIONAL” government that made America the GREATEST, MOST PROSPEROUS AND GENEROUS nation the world had ever known!

Our generation and future generations must be educated to the facts of our nation’s founding!

Thank you, Tara, for this great composition concerning the thoughts of Thomas Jefferson!

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The 17th amendment destroyed federalism. The states via the senate no longer have a say in what the government does or the mandates it requires of the states.

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It seems that through the years the Federal Government has performed sort of a bait and switch. Our founders lobbied hard for States to buy in to the Constitution and Statehood, and through time by way of policies, education, education, the courts and unsound interpretation of the Constitution have diminished citizenry to consolidate power at the National level.

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Absolutely! States rights..that way you are able to self govern. We forget our officials work for us!

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