What was beautiful about this was that neither Carter or Reagan worried about who played off of who. The goal was to get the people out. Amazing what cooperation can do when the people not politics are being served

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Jan 19, 2022Liked by Tara Ross

seems iran did not want to tangle with reagan....

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Jan 19, 2022Liked by Tara Ross

We must never forget!

Thank you Tara!!

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Thank you, Tara for the additional details 🇺🇸

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Jan 19, 2022Liked by Tara Ross

I remember this time well. 🇺🇸🇺🇸

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Jan 19, 2022Liked by Tara Ross

This was an amazing time, I do remember this well and amazing Reagan was able to celebrate this while not bragging, "look what I did." I personally believe Iran knew our new President was not the push over the last President was and meant business to get our people out of captivity. Either way, they came home and it was an American victory. Amazing story, Tara. Everyday there is a reminder of history in your posts! Love this new forum.

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Jan 19, 2022Liked by Tara Ross

President Reagan enjoyed much credit for the hostage release regardless of the facts. I believe that Reagan would have used military force had the hostages not been released when they were. At any rate, the dictators in Iran have continued to hate the US and Israel since. Thank you Tara for remembering the return of our citizens from that evil regime.

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Jan 19, 2022Liked by Tara Ross

Tara - No matter the true story, the release of the hostages was clearly the hoped for and happy result. Credit to Carter and Reagan should suffice. Thank you, Tara. F

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I think the important message here is the two men worked together to see our fellow Americans were freed. That is something sorely lacking today.

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