I have heard Henry Johnson's story before and am still impressed at this man's bravery. His dedication to his duty is remarkable and inspiring. It is sad that his sacrifice included a delayed death from his wounds and a lack of care for American veterans. We do a little better today, but the care provided veterans is forced to be second rate by those who hold purse strings. Thankfully, those who work at the VA are dedicated to their charges for the most part, but they are human. That said, Johnson certainly deserved a MOH. He was a extraordinary soldier.

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Doesn’t matter the rank, a soldier is a soldier. It’s just too bad that it took so long to bestow the Medal of Honor on such a deserving man. It’s just one heartbreaking account of how so many of our vets have been forgotten and under valued. So thankful for each and every one of them.

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Sgt. Johnson, you were one brave and heroic American soldier. Your brave actions saved many lives that night and finally, your nation has righted some wrongs.

You finally were awarded the MOH and veterans like yourself are treated much better when they get home. The Veterans Administration has made huge progress towards providing Healthcare and pensions for men and women injured in combat.

Thank you for your service Sir.

Thank you Tara.

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I'm proud of what he did, whether he got the recognition at all. Thanks for sharing this!

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Thank You for your service Privates Henry Johnson and Needham Roberts.🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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His bravery was amazing to say the least! He served knowing how, as a black man, he would be treated when he returned home. He was a larger man than the prevailing attitude of his country at that time. God bless him!

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Such a shame that our nation took so long to recognize his outstanding service. Maybe if he’d received the MOH earlier, he also would have received financial assistance

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Sad that he wasn't honored and cherished in the beginning. RIP sir. You are a hero to me.

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So wonderful! And so heart breaking!

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RIP soldier and thank for your service!

Thank you Tara. unfortunately some today still fall through the cracks of the VA.

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A shame that Johnson wasn't recognized for His bravery while still living,but like all MOH recipients,He probably would have said I was just doing My duty.🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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Henry Johnson’s Medal of Honor came way too late but was very well deserved!

Thank you, Tara, for another story that I had never heard of before!

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So sad an ending, and that it took so long to receive recognition.

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Thank you, Tara.

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A brave man.

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