I taught this for years, but toward the end of my career I got more push back. Oh, I pray we can hold our heads high as we share the truth about America the Exceptional. Thank you, Tara, for teaching about her every day!

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We have the ability to be great. Let's all work TOGETHER for that better tomorrow. Hand in hand we can do better.

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"The great communicator." RR was right on.

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I was taught God, Family & Country is what we are and will be as long as we know God, know our family history and learn as much as we can about our Countries history. This is what makes us all ONE! God Bless America!!


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Love this post, Tara! Very appropriate for today after all that has transpired on and since Saturday. Reagan is among my favorite presidents. When he became governor of California was the moment I really became interested in politics and understood how important it was to be informed. I am thankful I had good parents who were patriotic. I am also thankful I grew up during a time when God and America was still promoted in school. Thank you for a perfect, uplifting and inspiring post.

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Yes, teach your children what it is to be American in this great country, and never to hate.

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“Who we are, is who we were.” jQA in movie Amistad. How can we know who we are, if we don’t know who we were??

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“We were taught, very directly, what it means to be an American. And we absorbed, almost in the air, a love of country and an appreciation of its institutions”

This quote struck a chord with me. There was not much flag waving or talk of patriotism in our home but our lives were saturated with the American experience. My dad was away fighting in the Korean War when I was born in 1950. In that year my mother immigrated to America from Austria where my parents were married while he served in the Army there. My mother went on to attain her American Citizenship. I grew up in the 50’s, a time teeming with opportunity and prosperity. We were blessed to breath that rarified air of freedom and liberty.

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A Great President! Thank you for sharing that, Tara!

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Perfect lesson for these times Tara. I know that the conversation needs to happen. I pray it does.

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16

We are a great country. The founding Fathers put pillars and checks and balances in place and provided one of the best method of self government. However, I believe we have deviated from our core values of (self reliance, faith, honesty, hard work, respect for government institutions). Our lack of respect for our government and our lack of respect for our leaders have been partially culminated as results of bad deeds and lies of the past 50 years administrations and polarization of the news media which even today attempt to divide us along racial, religious, and economic boundaries. We need to get back to melting pot rhetoric. Idealize what made us great. The history of this country is full of great Americans that sacrificed their lives for the good of this great country. How many of you have read Sullivan Ballou's letter to his wife before the battle of 1st bull run. You can tell his dedication and his love for his country. I hope we all learn this lesson someday and realize what a great country we have and not allow anyone to divide us.


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Excellent Tara and thank you!

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When I was in fifth grade at Nottingham Elementary School in Arlington VA, assimilation was a key subject taught. And in response to Lee Greenwood, "I'm proud to be an American too."

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