Washington was a brilliant leader. He ordered his men to remove weapons, supplies, burn the barracks and buildings leaving nothing behind for the enemy to use. We could sure use men with that wisdom today. Instead we’ve been stuck with leaders who make foolish decisions and hurt our country. Who would think it was smart to leave our weapons, supplies, information, buildings and both Americans and allies in a hostile environment? We know the answer. Excellent history lesson, Tara. Going to read the first part again.

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Thank you Tara. Fort Mifflin was strategic to the British, and the brave American forces held onto it until Washington was safely away, and into winter encampment.

I don't think that I have heard this story before but, it gives life to some of the strategy used to eventually win the war and gain our freedom and independence.

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Washington was a master at preserving his army to fight another day. He would not allow an overwhelming defeat. Rather, he survived to fight another day until he and the Continental Army overwhelmed Cornwallis at Yorktown. An incredible commander! Thanks, Tara!

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They were indeed the times that would try men's souls.

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Wow. Courage beyond belief. If only people were as dedicated today.

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The amazing stories of our nation's birth always hold me in awe of the men and women of that day. They faced seemingly insurmountable odds and overcame them in ways that make them the stuff of legend. Huzzah to those who fought and lived and died for us.

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Pyrrhic victory for the British, in terms of allowing Washington and and his troops to get away to Valley Forge.

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Another great reminder of the sacrifice and steadfast resolve our ancestors had.

This is how you fight for your freedom!

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40 men with uncanny bravery did their absolute best to defeat the oncoming enemy. In today’s world perhaps they would all received medals for their actions. But alas all we can do is honor their sacrifices and give them our humble thanks for our freedoms we now enjoy.


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Excellent story today 👏 Thank you Tara 😊

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Refused to leave. WOW just WOW!!!

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Thank you, Tara.

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Thank you Ms. Ross!

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That’s a great story of bravery in the face of insurmountable odds.

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🇺🇲 We all want to be the hero, but imagine the courage and dedication one musr have, to be the distraction. 🇺🇸

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