I had not heard of Mr. Pendleton. Oh that we could remove our Senators because they are not serving the people!

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Folks in Congress ( both houses) failing to honor the oaths of office they took to “protect and defend ‘’ and refuse to accept multiple Court findings on any issue but Particularly on those related to Multiple courts reviews of election results should be thrown out of office if they don’t resign .

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I like his shirts...

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No. I don't believe that I knew of Edmund Pendleton before this story, Tara.

He was obviously a very intelligent man, perceptive and very patriotic. His various posts as a founder and legislator show that Mr. Pendleton was very involved in the establishment of our form of government. His warnings of the need for presidential term limits, constraints on allowable spending and the ability to remove an errant Senator were spot on.

Pendleton could forsee how a government ignoring the intended function could be out of control. Exactly where we are today. Thank you Tara for bringing yet another American Hero to our attention.

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He apparently understood the need for term limits. Too bad those in power today don't have that noble purpose in their hearts. It is well worth remembering men of this stature and reminding our "representatives" of such.

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Edmond Pendleton was a man that I was totally unaware of. And as you said, his warnings were definitely prophetic. I would read his views of government more closely, if I could find them. Thank you Tara Ross , for bringing him to light.

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Another great story…unheard about a great great patriot. Thank you Tara. We need this man today!!

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I had never heard of this man..an unsung hero. Correct in his vision

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Two things come to mind. One he was a practicing attorney at twenty. Today we have 20 year old green haired kids calling for the annihilation of Jews and the destruction of Israel. Second was his opposition to independence at first and how he changed his mind. Seems nowadays people don’t care if it hairlips hell an half of Georgia, they’re not changing their minds, even when confronted with overwhelming evidence and facts.

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The average age of the signers of the Declaration of Independence was 40 (Even including Franklin who was 70!), more than a dozen were in their 20s...

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The part about much mischief can be done under an unwise administration certainly plays true today.

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This is a guy who ought to be remembered! Wow!

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Prophetic Indeed Tara! Where are the noblemen today? 🤔

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He was new to me as well. Thanks, Tara.

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Thank you! Edmund Pendleton was truly a formidable man. Was he the man USMC Camp Pendleton was named after? I grew up in So Cal and knew many fine Marines at Camp Pendleton.

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No. The Camp was named for a Marine Corp Major General...

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He deserves to be a headliner in history books. So much can be learned when we follow a lesson writer like Tara.

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"We the people," are often confused and appalled, by the [most learned Congressmen, and women, and intelligent Senators] whom are graduates from several prestigious law colleges that esteem them selves as "having degrees" in law and ethics of law. (I say ethics, with tongue in check). It would seem to [this citizen] of 75 years,] that they would show a little more knowledge of the "Laws of the Constitution" and the restrictions to government (hirelings) and Presidential, (know-it-alls), regarding our Constitution. I've heard that the Congress and Senate sets aside special time to study and read over the Constitution, to be sure that they have not overlooked any laws, in their haste to ---REWRITE--- and abbreviate the Constitution. [PLEASE], are the moral laws of humanity, in need of change???

Maybe just the agenda of our elected lawmakers.

Maybe it would be [more] intelligent to [have the citizens] re-read the Constitution, and understand their rights, as they assemble those in Congress and the Senators, that have violated their oath, (and have endeavored to modify the laws, and take actions to set them aside to meditate on [their reasons] for unconstitutional efforts.

(And start) impeachment proceedings as soon as lawfully, possible.

I've never been to law school, nor do I ever want to, but it would appear that the people that we have [mistakenly] voted into office, ever been there, themselves.

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🇺🇲 Edmund Pendleton, a wise man I'd not known, until today. If only we'd listened. 🇺🇸

Thank you, TR!

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Smart man. We could use some like him now.

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