Aug 2, 2023Liked by Tara Ross

Are you kidding me? “Silent Cal” said more in that meaningful statement than most politicians say during an entire career. He not only describes the president but also ALL of congress and federal government beauracacy.

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Aug 2, 2023Liked by Tara Ross

It seems to me he was taking from the playbook of our first president. He had no desire to stay in the limelight, just to go back home and live the quiet life. Oh, that all the other politicians would follow suit!!!

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What a self aware insightful man .. unlike virtually all politicians worldwide. George Washington rejected third term recruitment efforts and demonstrated similar strength of character while Garibaldi turned down the chance to lead, both returning to their farms. We definitely need term limits and especially for Congress and unelected officials who govern us by edict. I support the Convention of States platform which includes this provision. Check out www.conventionofstates.com if interested. We have far too many career politicians and bureaucrats in Washington. Coolidge would agree!

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The written statement is awesome! He was spared the beginning of the Great Depression too.

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Aug 2, 2023Liked by Tara Ross

Our current politicians show read and learn from this post!

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We need so much more of that.

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Aug 2, 2023Liked by Tara Ross

Many need that attitude today.

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In December 1927, he urged the Republican National Committee to “vigorously continue" with "the serious task of selecting another candidate from among the numbers of distinguished men available.”

One would wonder, where are these men today?

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Aug 2, 2023Liked by Tara Ross

If only. Yes, we need people, (all of them), to serve the people for less time, and then to return to the people. Silent Cal was right. Power begets power and it goes to their head.

One of the most flagrant errors of our founders and their successors is term limits for all elected officials.

Thank you Tara.

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The founders never imagined the bloated bureaucracy we have today...sadly, full of lifetime, ideologues.

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Aug 2, 2023Liked by Tara Ross

He wanted out of “The Swamp”!

He saw it as it was back then and he wanted out!!

Thank you, Tara, for another great story of our nation’s history!

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Wise honorable man that Coolidge was! 🇺🇸😎

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Ms. Ross, I know you have a special place in your heart for Coolidge, and I am becoming more enamored of him, myself. I believe he was one of the most solid and decent Presidents that we have had. I have to wonder if the Great Depression would have happened, or been as bad, if he had run in 1928.

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I suspect it wouldn't have, but I guess we'll never know. And, yes, I definitely have a soft spot in my heart for Coolidge. One of my top three fav Presidents! ❤

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If politicians today were 1/10 as wise...the possibility of success for our nation would be 10 fold.

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As dire as the news concerning our current federal government is these days, it is easy to forget that there are still good people here in America. They are out there though, I see them often. I too wish more people in Washington DC were like former President Coolidge, and I hope things will change for the better soon. Keep spreading the truth Tara.

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🇺🇸 The last true conservative in the Whitehouse. 🇺🇲

Thanks, TR!

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