This president was very incitful and articulate and precise with his words. The more I learn of Calvin Coolidge, the more I like him.

This quote seems to correctly describe government as we understand it. It is either reflective of the wishes of the people or, it is forceful and demanding. I would say that our current government leans more to the intolerant and forceful. Thank you Tara for another pertinent post on the current state of affairs within our Government.

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Coolidge has a reputation for being a man of few words but this makes it clear he didn’t need many.

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The United States started out with a righteous government. We maintained it for awhile. But as all organizations do, nations, churches, benevolent orgs, etc, they slowly - sometimes quickly - slide to the Left. Wilson caused a big jump to the Left. As did Roosevelt #1 and then #2. Then Johnson did. Then a flood of enablers Carter, Obama, Bush 1 and 2, and Biden.

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In a Nutshell David 🎯

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We need more people in office who believe in the constitution as written like Calvin Coolidge did!!

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Coolidge is not saying that people are righteous but that a good government RESTS on righteousness, a Godly characteristic to be aspired to by doing good. As scripture states, There is none righteous, no not one. Romans 3:10. RESTING on force is scheming and manipulative and self serving motives which are immoral.

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This history lesson is one which we should not consider lightly. Coolidge was again spot on. This nation and our Constitution can only be effective in a country of high morals. I pray that righteousness will again overwhelm our land, our culture, our nation. Thanks for this timeless lesson.

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Exactly 💯 💯 💯 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

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There seem to be far too many people who assume that being righteous means it's okay to abrogate the First Amendment, because THEIR brand of righteousness is the ONLY way of righteousness.

Anyone who tries to coerce others to believe as they do, through force of laws passed that do that, are inherently wrong. You can't FORCE someone to believe, or what's the point in Free Will?

And, finally, just because someone does not want to believe in the same things as you do, it does not necessarily mean they're your enemy.

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🇺🇸 Wise words from quiet Cal, the last truly conservative President. 🇺🇲

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Thank you for sharing Tara. Maybe you could do a history story about Bishop Asbury at some point.

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Thank you, Tara, for this history lesson concerning a President who knew how government works!

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There was a story about Coolidge's penchant for brevity. Supposedly a woman once told him, "I bet a friend that I could get you to say 3 words. He replied, you lose."

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Thank you, Tara.

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23 hrs ago·edited 21 hrs ago

Needs and aspirations point towards virtues and righteousness governments should embody; the tools and mechanisms of government primarily revolve around force - it devolves from the duties duties and necessary powers government is subject to in order to implement virtuous and righteous goals. Force means power, which attracts corrupted ambitious operatives seeking to promote their own benefits.

So when I look at Coolidge's quote, it is largely correct in my mind. Yet, I think it is missing how entangled these two "theories" are. It also doesn't venture far into the realm of corruptibility. Yet, it was a main fulcrum of struggle in our Constitutional Convention, and in the reason were are a democratic republic and not a democracy: there were a lot of checks built in to try to resist the corruptibility. Unfortunately, it these safeguards are most vulnerable to formation of parties, which leads to a natural selection (in the biological evolutionary sense) for stronger parties subject to corruption.

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It appears that one group’s righteousness is perceived as being forced on others who in turn see their righteousness as the proper consequence in response.

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