A Pet Peave of mine! Rush used to call Democracy a Mobacracy! If the Mob voted for murder, anarchy, crime, excessive taxes, etc, then it got it. There are no morals or law in a Democracy! A Republic, is what they wanted and a Republic is what we got… if we can keep it. It starts with knowing the difference! Thanks Tara!

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It is really true

The pure democracy is a fallacy and the Founding Fathers knew this better than anyone. The only way this government of ours has survived is due to checks and balances that have been incorporated and put in place. Unfortunately, many of these like “Electoral College”, “Supreme Court” are under attack by people with no brain and no knowledge or understanding. We should not forget that the majority crucified Christ!! Were they right??

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Thank youTara. Our Founders were very smart men. They created a balanced, three legged government, a Republic.

You are correct. I don't know if our young people have a government class, teaching what your article has stated or not but, it seems that many people believe that we have a democracy and that the majority should always win regardless. In fact, watching the way our government is working, you might think that those elected to represent us also believe that the majority should always win. We have become way too polarized and divided. Instead of compromise, it's often a bloodbath, at least figuratively. And then, there's the media who has way too much power. The media has ceased to be impartial or objective. Back to the basics, please.

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Excellent points!

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This needs to be taught in every school both public and private starting with Kindergarten and continuing through high school. By the time students are in college (if that’s their choice) they should be well grounded in the principles of the constitution and why the founders set up a republic and not a democracy. It’s obvious that fewer and fewer Americans understand we are a republic and why it’s important that we remain s republic.

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Our founders were mostly young educated men who knew the dangers of government, they wisely divided power and gave most to the people, states. We have long fallen away from this starting with Wilson and then FDR. We must get back to sanity and fidelity of our elected officials and stop them from buying votes with taxpayer's money as well as donor's cash. We are this election close to losing our republic..

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Somewhere in the not too distant past, our public schools, supported and encouraged by the teachers unions, stopped teaching government and the Constitution. Parents need to look into what is being taught in their children’s schools and actively push to make those courses part of the core curriculum again. They also need to engage their state and federal legislators to support this movement.

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The Constitution is the second greatest document written by man after The Bible…

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Wonderful reminder!! I am so afraid we are losing our Republic. We need to get back to God, and our roots.

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This is why the "popular vote" means so very little in a federal election! Our republic is protected by the Electoral College. Respect what the founders set up--it was a God-given miracle!

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And we still see the parties in power trying to limit the power of the opposition, only to be astonished when their efforts turn against them when the balance of power is reversed!

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A very appropriate article for these times. Thank you Tara. After our last Presidential election, a number of voters stated a desire to abandon the Electoral College. Perhaps they need to do some personal research and discover the reason it was initially instituted.

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A great primer on what our form of government actually is and why. Maybe we should have every politician and student read it to begin their learning. Thanks Tara. Now I need to go share this on X to my 100's of bot followers.

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Our politicians definitely need to read and study the constitution until they have a clear understanding that we are a Republic; not a democracy and why that our nation needs to remain a Republic.

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Yes, we must educate!

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I shared the last three paragraphs as a quote. Explains a lot of the first parties of Presidents.

Thanks Tara. This should be a FEDERAL HOLIDAY that the States must honor.

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Ben Franklin’s words seem truer today than ever before. We have presidential candidate that keeps calling us a democracy. Not once has she ever called us a Republic. Now the Democrats are calling for the dismantling of the electoral college. If that ever comes to be, we will have lost the whole basis of the Constitution of the United States of America and our Country will be no more.

God Bless America please!


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I was thinking about the qualifications to become an elected official. None that I know of requires the demonstration of an understanding of the reading of the Constitution. Oh yes, they take an oath to defend it but they don’t know it and so the citizens are subjected to those who have a popular appeal and celebrity but don’t have the knowledge to govern.

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