The States have ceded their authority because the Feds hold the monetary purse. In those days, the Feds didn't hold the monetary purse. We truly need to return to those days of the States doing what is right for their own citizens.

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Great post of the authority given to the individual States. As with everything in life there and good and bad sides to just about everything. Liberties given by God and man have allowed the individual person to choose right or wrong. It does seem that overs the past 50-60 years we as individuals have given more authority over our lives to the Federal Government than our forefathers intended. Perhaps it all started when FDR started all of the Federal give away programs that started Americans on the government feeding trough.

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Excellent post, Tara. We have drifted very far away from the original goal of the government and it has bred discontent. The people are more and more disconnected with each other. The states should have the power. However that concept has definitely changed. It has had a detrimental impact on the country. Not sure how we get back on solid ground again…or if we can manage to do it. Thanks for another great history lesson, Tara.

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Thank you Tara for reminding, or teaching us about the electoral system set up by the Constitution as well as states rights and responsibilities. We are truly supposed to be a nation of somewhat independent states working together and the federal government was intended to remain small, with very specific duties. Obviously, that went awry quite some time ago and it isn't getting better.

We don't teach the Constitution and government in detail anymore and as you said, we are a nation of discontented citizens. By not remaining within the structure designed by the founders, we are flailing and failing. I don't know how we get back to the founders vision but it will be painful if it ever occurs.

Now I am despondent again. Time to bury my head in the sand. Thank you Tara. 😊

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It has been written that "the truth will out" meaning that the truth will surface despite the efforts of the liars to suppress it. Within the last couple of days the fraudulent election of 2020 in PA has become known. There were 202 THOUSAND more votes in Philadelphia than there were registered voters in the city. Additionally there has now come to light that the same things happened in GA and WI. We have been subjected to torrents of lies about the election the Biden "won", but the truth is emerging. The states have surrendered to the Feds because "it is easier". Sad and stupid. Perhaps next year will see a true revolt against the liars, read democrats, in the election but I have no real hope. Our Republic is well and truly lost.

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You fullachit fartsmellers for felons lie like rugs !

🔐 old bone spurs 🆙

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"...they simply did what they thought was best."

"Early generations understood that each state is ultimately responsible for itself."

The foundation of our foundation which we have succeeded in cracking to its core by letting the central government be our nursemaid and sugar tit, supplying our every need, our every want, from cradle to grave.

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Great lesson on the Constitution! We need to shrink the federal government immensely! The present convolution of the Constitution as practiced in DC is not working for the electorate!

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Great article. If only we could get back the the Federalist model like earlier in our republic. Now. Write something about repealing the 17th amendment.

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The sixteenth amendment would be a good candidate for repeal also.

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I guess the liberal leaning folks are still seeking that pie in the sky Utopia, it's going to be a long road to get back to a republic state of mind if ever! Thanks Tara 😊

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Republic not a democracy. States rights are being lost. God bless America, Vote your conscience, for your children and grandchildren..🇺🇸🙏🏻

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https://act.represent.us/sign/democracy-republic. Please read, you may want to rethink your comment.

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The best explanation can be found here. Republic and democracy are two separate elements of our system designed for one to place a check upon the other. America is a Constitutional Republic with democratically elected representatives.


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Exactly Right Paula ✅️ 👏 👌 💯 👍

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I have noticed that this phenomenon occurs with the passing of time and the distance between yesteryear and current events. America seems to always be looking for something that is “New and Improved”, until we get it and discover that there is less quantity and quality in the product and it costs us more than we care to pay.

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There have been 27 amendments to the Constitution beginning with the first 10, the Bill of Rights. The Constitution was not written in stone.

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Yes just 27 Amendments in almost 250 years, 17 of which were proposed by Madison, ten of which were the Bill of Rights ratified in 1891. Founders were serious about assuring that Shane’s to the Constitution were not arbitrary but required thoughtful consideration by both State and Federal legislatures. So, while not written in stone the process is quite onerous. Best explanation can be found here.


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🇺🇸 The founders would surprises at the speed the states gave up their power. 🇺🇲

Thanks, TR!

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In many ways, our Civil War put paid on the idea of the States’ autonomy in favor of centralized control.

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I am very concerned about the direction that our country is going towards. I don't think it is ever going to heal itself. the hate and division that has happened seems impossible to cure.

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This country needs a much smaller federal government as our nation’s Founders formulated! The bigger our federal government has grown the less it cares about “we the people”!

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