Thank you Tara. Mr. Hagemeister did exactly what an American Hero would do and he earned a MOH for his actions. What a brave and resourceful young man. Thank God for people like Mr. Hagemeister.

I was a US Navy Corpsman at exactly the same time as when this action occurred and I would hope to have been as courageous and disciplined as Mr. Hagemeister, were I in his shoes.

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You serve. You don't refuse it. Thankful he served and thankful his character would not allow him to refuse it.

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When he said: "what I was doing that night was for the love of my fellow soldiers", he showed the true meaning of being a MoH recipient! What a HERO...and I'm glad he returned home after such a horrible experience! We need more men with this spirit.

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Thanks very much for this one Tara!

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Betsy Tara Ross that's the right kind of people! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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🇺🇸 Thanks for a story I'd not ever heard.🇺🇸

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Humble, just doing his job, and valiant. Mr Hagemeister followed the tradition of nearly everyone who has earned the Medal of Honor.

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I salute you!

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Such brave, young heroes. Thank God for them.

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Thank you, Tara.

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A brave young man and certainly deserving of the MOH for his actions that day.

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Another story of bravery in the face of the enemy that I had not heard of!

Thank you Tara!

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Medal of Honor Monday always gets the start of my week off in the right direction. Sacrifice and service !

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