10% inspiration, and 90% Perspiration! Wasn't that how Edison put it? Now days it's more like, "If at first you don't succeed, BLAME SOMEONE ELSE"!

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I suspect that Mr. Washington would be very disappointed with the citizens these days.

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I'm afraid the good Mr Washington could never have conceived the practice of "inherited wealth," so prevalent today due simply to the fortune of birth.

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They had "inherited wealth" back then as well. Mr. Washington understood that to succeed, you need to work hard and not demand things you are not entitled to

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The losing a little piece of ourselves you refer to is the dignity and satisfaction that comes from working diligently and faithfully. In my estimation there is no such thing as menial work.

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Thank you Tara 😊 I'm sure he must have been an excellent Orator, it's better to surround yourself with good quality people and be alone than be in bad company. One of many of his quotes. Enjoy the weekend Tara!

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Always great to learn from your posts. Too bad schools don't teach what you do.

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[Could it be that the present teachers were taught “the easiest ways” of responsible living without regard to “sweat, tears, and humble sacrifices?]

As was mentioned, “There is no such thing as a menial job!”

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"What would Washington make of us today?"

I think he would be distraught at the state of our society.

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Thank you Tara. I totally agree with Booker T. Washington. Without hard dedicated, purposeful work, it would be nearly impossible to have a successful and fulfilling life. Hard work helps provide purpose and accomplishment.

Of course, my parents were great role models and my wife and I gave that expectation to our children and they gave it to their children. I sincerely hope that expectation carries to all of the future children of our blood line.

However, it seems that mostly due to government handouts we now have a large number of people who don't want to work and it makes me very sad and angry. Booker T. Washington would also be sad and angry, were he alive now. I am very afraid for the future of our country.

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Agree. Today those who are looking for a handout will never realize the end results of a handup

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Thanks again Tara!

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Another of the great historical figures of our past.

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A true American hero and patriot. Like many others who have gone before us he would likely be very disappointed at the direction our country has taken. Booker T. Washington left a legacy of wisdom and leadership. It would do Americas good to pay attention to his words left on record.

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A good argument against Royalty. THANK YOU Tara and THANK YOU George Washington for refusing to be a King!

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I think America’s present day, leadership believes they were voted-in to a lifelong reign of Kingships!

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Thank you, Tara!

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An amazing person.

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Thank you, Tara.

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Wouldn’t it be fresh to know that [all] our teachers, professors, and people in leadership are. “spreading the same gospel” of Booker T. Washington’s beliefs of a hard working society that knows the values of integrity, responsibility, (to the village), and with the Hope and knowledge, that our creator-God, wants each one of His creations to succeed in his or her abilities to earn their daily bread while keeping peace and freedom as their motto of existence and sincere love for mankind. If every American were to [keep] a sacred oath of life, as Mr. Washington,

Freedom is a sacred obligation to all humanity!

It’s been rooted in the DNA of Americans since the beginning. Don’t give up the “ship”!

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More people should read and study BT Washington. Educated and common sense all rolled up in one person. Enjoyed reading his works.

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