Oh man, the Intrigue. I can hardly stand it. A cliffhanger yesterday and now, another today.

If Benedict Arnold only knew what was in store for himself, he would surely run.

Thank you Tara. Again, I await tomorrow.

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I had not heard/read the specifics of this story and am fascinated at the audacity of Andre, claiming essentially, "it's not my fault." He knew the rules of engagement and did what he did anyway. Hmmm...how did it all turn out, Tara? Can't wait!!!

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Another clift hanger. I am enjoying this lesson Tara. Thank you.

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WOW! Thank you! I’ve never known this much detail of this event!

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André was trying to be a spy, without being treated like one!

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As the startling events continue to unfold, return to this page for more on this lesson to unfold.

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You have such an amazing, engaging, and entertaining manner of word crafting! Thank you for such a great education, Tara Ross!

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Simply amazing the details of the spying 🕵️‍♂️ that was involved 👏 thank you Tara 😊!

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Astounding to read about all the intricate details regarding the events surrounding Arnold, Andre’, Washington and a few others. So now we anticipate tomorrow’s post. Oh how you enjoy keeping us looking forward to the next post. 😊 You’re a great history teacher, Tara!

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Shortly after the British hanged Nathan Hale was a bad time for Andre to be caught in civvies .

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Thank you, Tara.

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Whoa! A cliffhanger!

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Tara you're keeping me in suspense.

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Oh Tara you leave hanging over the weekend. There must be a bit of a tease in you. Waiting for your finished piece on this intriguing tale of spies and traitors.


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