It was by God’s will that the USA was born. Call it a miracle if you want, but God the creator of all wanted our Nation to be established to allow all people to be able to worship Him freely.

We as humans have worked hard to destroy what He established by Divine Providence. Man made laws are destroying our Nation.

The good news is that come judgement day……God Wins!!!


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Yes, our winning the Revolutionary War was little short of a standing miracle, as General George Washington declared. Had Providence not been directing Mr. Washington, it may well have been a different story for our nation. Too many things such as Ms. Darragh came to the aid of the American forces to have been anything other than the helping hand of God.

Thank you Tara for another edition of our founding years.

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No where has God's Providential Care been more apparent than in the Revolutionary War.

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My thoughts based on other readings as well: GW understood he couldn't win any war of attrition. This early in the revolution it was about bringing the skirmishes and the small battles to the enemy to illustrate commitment and resolve. This early development could have gone the other way save for the steadiness of Washington and his ability to rally those below and above. Thank God for George Washington.

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God is the “glue”, we need to welcome Him back.

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I like your last paragraph. The Quakers were very much pacifists, yet served the cause of freedom!

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As I consider the state of affairs for the Americans, compared to their foes. They shouldn't have been able to pull off the successes of that war.

Yes, a standing miracle, indeed.

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Divine Providence......Abundantly Clear!!!Thank you Tara ✨️ 😊

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These strategic gambles are always awesome!

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Another unknown, to me, story of the Revolutionary War. Thank you Tara.

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God was at the center of everything in the forming of this free country. It was based on faith in Him and as Washington so often stated depending on wisdom from above - divine providence. How far we fallen! I hope that before there’s no hope of recovery Americans come to their senses and turn to God again. There are glimmers of that happening.

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God's will and hand were in this win for sure.

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Thank you, Tara

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