I was among the millions watching the first landing. I will never be less than excited about space travel, it was too much a part of my youth. I heartily agree with those that say it was a failure of nerve on the part of NASA that ended the Apollo program, because the vast majority of people I have talked about this with were, and are, vastly disappointed by the refusal to go back to the moon.
I loved the Moon shots and I know that man will visit there many times in the future. However, will it be American men and women? We seem to let politics and perception get in the way of scientific endeavors. Thank you Tara.
Yes. Hopefully, they will be Americans!
I was among the millions watching the first landing. I will never be less than excited about space travel, it was too much a part of my youth. I heartily agree with those that say it was a failure of nerve on the part of NASA that ended the Apollo program, because the vast majority of people I have talked about this with were, and are, vastly disappointed by the refusal to go back to the moon.
Let us hope that the transition of space exploration from governmental to commercial enterprises restores continuity and purpose to future programs.
I loved the Moon shots and I know that man will visit there many times in the future. However, will it be American men and women? We seem to let politics and perception get in the way of scientific endeavors. Thank you Tara.
Hopefully they will be Americans!