I remember all of the first astronauts including Alan Shephard and, I remember his golfing on the moon.

Each of the earlier astronauts were Heros with flights that had large percentages of failure and even death. But, these men and women understanding the risks, flew anyway. Thank you Tara for remembering Appolo 14 and Alan Shepard.

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It sounds like they were lucky to have the "old" guy on the mission. I forget which astronaut said it but thus is one of my favorite quotes on space flight. "You are strapped to the top of a roman candle to be launched into space on a craft where everything was made by the low bidder".

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Well, they did have to meet NASA’s specifications with those bids. NASA used to be very particular and had outstanding engineers!

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Among the bravest of the brave.

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Great read Tara

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I have been "looking up" into the darkness of space since I first had a visual of the Russian Sputnik cruising over our house in San Diego. Yes, we could actually watch it pass over, in the mid-50's.

Since that time, I have heard many negative retorts as to the "tax dollars" that are wasted on space explorations.

The truth is, there have been so many inventions, discoveries, and wonderful devices that have come out of the labs that are seeking to make better communications equipment, micro-medical devices, and [even] health products that are provided for the "explorers" that are headed into space, where mankind has only dreamed of in the first 5000 years of human dreamers.

I believe that in a few years, that there will be doctors taking patients (via space vehicles),, up into Outerspace, to perform surgeries and operations, that could never be conducted here on this earth.

Yes, space explorations will cost us money now, but in the long run, life on earth, will enhance the lives of future humans.

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True. The spinoffs from the space program have been so great that their value is almost immeasurable.

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What a feat these guys accomplished back in the day 👏 we were so proud of them 👏 Thank you Tara for remembering their awesome job 👍💓

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Ah yes, those were heady days. Now we are looking toward private moon shots! At least our computer systems are better! ;)

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My cousin washed out of Navy flight training when he developed Ménière's disease. In fact, he had to take medical retirement.

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Can you believe that there are people who don't believe we landed on the moon, and came back?

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Thank you, Tara.

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Thank you Tara for bring this memory back into my mind today. I always wanted them to hit a baseball.

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Feb 8·edited Feb 8

Alan Sheppard was my hero growing up. The astronauts used to call him the ice Commander . He was cool and calm under pressure. The true meaning of the Right Stuff!

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Thanks for sharing a memorable adventure which was so intriguing to me as a youth! I remember visiting the Huntsville space center when one of the Apollo missions splashed down. It was a great time to be alive!

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🇺🇸 Where has that bravery and sense of adventure gone? The strength to do things, not because they easy, but because they are hard? 🇺🇲

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Hard work and perseverance are the hallmarks of great achievements. Alan Shepherd had those qualities in spades! They are also traits in the American people that formed and made this nation great. Alan overcame a multitude of problems. Appreciate those we see forging ahead in spite of some awful obstacles. The death of America will only happen if there is a death of that spirit. Hope it never dies!

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I miss the daring and excitement that was America in the 60s and 70s. The times were turbulent, yes. But just look at the cars,

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